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Reading Operational Attributes using Spring LDAP

Ldap Servers maintain operational attributes (introduced in version 3) for administrative purposes. For example, the Tivoli Directory Server maintains the pwdAccountLockedTime operational attribute to record the time a user’s account got locked.

These operational attributes are unique in the sense that they are not part of an object class and are not returned unless they are explicitly requested by name. Here are two ways of reading operational attributes using Spring Ldap:

Using lookup:

LdapTemplate ldapTemplate = new LdapTemplate(context);
ldapTemplate.lookup("USER_DN", new String[]{"OPERATIONAL_ATTR"}, new ContextMapper(){
		public Object mapFromContext(Object ctx)
			DirContextAdapter context = (DirContextAdapter)ctx;
			return context.getStringAttributes("OPERATIONAL_ATTR");
		} }); 

Using Search:

LdapTemplate ldapTemplate = new LdapTemplate(context);
ldapTemplate.search("SEARCH_BASE", "uid=UNIQUE_USER_NAME", 1, new String[]{"OPERATIONAL_ATTR"}, new ContextMapper(){
		public Object mapFromContext(Object ctx)
			DirContextAdapter context = (DirContextAdapter)ctx;
			return context.getStringAttributes("OPERATIONAL_ATTR");
		} });
Categories: Ldap, Spring Tags:
  1. Hana
    November 25th, 2009 at 03:14 | #1


    I’m using OpenDS 2.0.0 and have some problem in reading the pwdAccountLockedTime attribute. I tried your code but it still doesn’t work to read this attribute, however.. it can read another operational attribute.
    Is there any explanation for this?


  2. Rishi
    January 1st, 2015 at 23:08 | #2

    Did you find solution to your problem?

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