
Posts Tagged ‘Maven4MyEclipse’

Changing Maven4MyEclipse Web Project Directory Structure

September 11th, 2008 No comments

When you create a MyEclipse Web Project with Maven capabilities, the generated directory structure does not match the “standard” Maven Web Project structure. I find this little annoying and here is what I did to change the directory structure:

  • Under “src” folder, create two folders main and test. Underneath each folder create two folders java and resources
  • Go to project properties and under Java Build Path, first remove “src” folder from being a source folder. Make java and resources folders source folders
  • Create webapp folder underneath src/main. Create WEB-INF and classes folders under webapp. Move the web.xml under WebRoot/WEB-INF to webapp/WEB-INF folder
  • In the .mymetadata file located in the project root folder (use Navigator view to get to the file in MyEclipse), change the attribute webrootdir’s value to /src/main/webapp
  • In the .classpath file, change the classpathentry of kind “output” from “WebRoot/WEB-INF/classes” to “src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes”
  • Delete the WebRoot directory and restart MyEclipse

The original pom.xml generated as part of the Maven4MyEclipse Web Project has several entries (sourcedirectory, resource directory e.t.c.) to reflect MyEclipse Web project directory structure. These entries can be safely deleted. Once this is done, the new project can be used to hot-deploy the war file. And yes, dependencies declared as “test” will not end up in the lib directory of the hot-deployed war file.