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SiteMesh And Script Tag

In a Sitemesh application I recently had to read code inside <script> tags of the decorated pages and use it in the decorator page. After little research, I found this solution. Based on this, I extended the HTMLPageParser and created a ScriptExtractionRule. The ScriptExtractionRule extends the BlockExtractingRule and retrives the content inside script tag.

However with Sitemesh 2.4.1, this solution did not work for the script tag. When I replaced script with any other HTML tag such as form, I was able to read the content inside that tag. Eventually I ended up putting the JavaScript inside a content tag. Here is a portion of the decorated page.

<content tag=”script”>
function somejsfunction() {

Now in the decorator page, I used the tag to read the JavaScript. Hopefully this helps others struggling with similar issue.

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