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Creating Maven Archetypes – Spring MVC Example

Maven Archetypes are project templates that allow users easily create new projects. Maven Archetypes are great way to share best practices and enforce consistency beyond Maven’s standard directory structure. For example, an organization can provide its developers an archetype bundled with company’s approved CSS and JavaScript libraries.

Recently, I have been creating a lot of Spring MVC based projects and each time I do, I copy a lot of information (configuration files, css files, dependency information etc) from an existing project. Following the DRY principles, I decided to create several Spring MVC based archetypes that can help me bootstrap my projects quickly. In this post I will share my experiences creating and using a new Maven Archetype.

Maven provides several ways to create a new archetype as described here. Since I have an existing Spring MVC project, I will be using the archetype:create-from-project goal.


Creating Archetype

Step 1: Identify the Maven Project that would be used as prototype for the archetype. Make sure it has only the resources (configuration, properties and Java files) that you would like to be part of the archetype. It is recommended to remove IDE specific files (.project, .classpath etc) from the project directory. Here is the spring-mvc-prototype project that I will be using:

Prototype Project Layout

Prototype Project Layout

Step 2: Using command line, navigate to the project folder spring-mvc-prototype and run the following command:

	mvn archetype:create-from-project

Upon completion of the command, you should see the message “Archetype created in target/generated-sources/archetype”. The newly created archetype is now under spring-mvc-prototype/target/generated-sources/archetype

Step 3: The next step is to move the newly created archetype into a separate folder so that it can be tweaked and published. I have moved the content inside the spring-mvc-simple-archetype folder.

Archetype Directory Structure

Archetype Directory Structure

Step 4: Modify the artifactId in the archetype’s pom.xml located at the root of spring-mvc-simple-archetype folder.

Existing pom.xml:


Modified pom.xml:


Step 5: Modify the finalName in the resource’s pom.xml file located at spring-mvc-simple-archetypesrcmainresourcesarchetype-resources.



During project creation, maven will replace the ${artifactId} expression with the user supplied artifactId value.

Step 6: When creating a project from an archetype, Maven prompts the user for a package name. Maven will create the package in the source folder (srcmainjava) of the project being created and will move the contents under archetype-resourcessrcmainjava into the package.

Maven File Copy

Maven File Copy

While generating the “testproject” above, the user specified the package “com.inflinx.blog.testproject”. So the SomeJavaClass.java file got moved to the root of the package and the HomeController.java got moved under the web.controller subpackage.

Step 7: The next step is to verify that the generated archetype.xml (located under src/main/resources/META-INF/maven) has all the files listed and they are located in the right directories. For example, the HomeController is located under archetype-resources/src/main/java/web/controller/HomeController.java. So there should be an entry under sources in the archetype.xml that looks something like this:


Step 8: Modify the configuration files to correctly use the ${package} variable. For example, the webContext.xml file is modified so that the controllers located under web.controller sub package are picked up:


Step 9: The final step in creating the archetype is to run the following on command line inside the folder spring-mvc-simple-archetype:

	mvn clean install


Using the archetype

Once the archetype is installed, there are several ways to create a project from it.

Generate goal: Create an empty folder and run the following command:

 		mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local

This goal would scan the local catalog for archetypes and prompts the user to select an archetype to use.

Command Line Archetype Usage

Command Line Archetype Usage

Once the user enters 1, Maven selects the spring-mvc-simple-archteype for project creation.

m2Eclipse Plugin: If you are an Eclipse user, use the New Project Wizard and search and select the spring-mvc-simple-archetype.

m2Eclipse Archetype Usage

m2Eclipse Archetype Usage

Using m2Eclipse plugin is a real time saver since it creates the associated IDE specific configuration files.


Adding Custom Properties

On some projects, additional information such as user name or web application context might be needed to generate the project. Here are the steps to prompt the user for information and use it:

Step 1: Add to the archetype-metadata.xml file located under spring-mvc-simple-archetypesrcmainresourcesMETA-INFmaven a required properties entry:


Step 2: Modify the file where you would like to use the information. Below, I have modified weblogic.xml to have the context root value the user has provided:


When the user uses the archetype with the above modifications, he will be prompted for the contextRoot.

Custom Attribute Usage In Action

Custom Attribute Usage In Action

  1. May 20th, 2010 at 19:56 | #1

    Worked nicely. Thanks very much

  2. June 10th, 2010 at 10:04 | #2

    Very cool. Reminds me a bit of AppFuse.

  3. May 29th, 2012 at 04:44 | #3

    Thanks a lot for such a nice tutorial!

  4. July 24th, 2012 at 07:54 | #4

    Thanks for the guide! It turned out to be very useful for me. A couple of additions for other readers:

    * requiredproperties should be requiredProperties, and requiredproperty should be requiredProperty.

    * if you add additional properties, you must also add them to test/resources/project/basic/archetype.properties, or the archetype will not install properly.

  5. Aniket
    August 8th, 2012 at 06:11 | #5

    Very informative. Thanks for nice article

  6. October 23rd, 2012 at 12:03 | #6

    The clearest articles I’ve seen lately.!! Thanks for your attention and desire to share this useful post with us.

    All I can say now is, Keep going ‘cuz you’re doing an awesome job


    Paulo Miguel Almeida

  7. Kamal Mansoor
    February 9th, 2013 at 09:13 | #7

    Extremely well written and helpful. Thank you.

    One Question:

    How did you make src/main/webapp show up as a ‘top level’ folder in eclipse under WebContent

  1. May 18th, 2012 at 13:57 | #1