
Posts Tagged ‘Sitemesh 3’

Spring MVC – Sitemesh 3 Integration

October 9th, 2012 4 comments

Sitemesh is a web page layout/decoration framework that makes it easy to create applications with consistent layout/look and feel. I have used Sitemesh 2 for years and absolutely love it. Sitemesh 3 is a complete rewrite of the framework and has huge performance benefits. A full list of the new features is listed here. In this blog I will share the steps needed for integrating Sitemesh 3 in a Spring MVC application.

1. We start by creating a Maven based web application using my Spring archetype. Here is the generated pom.xml file with dependencies:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


2. To the web application we add the following Sitemesh 3 maven dependency:


3. We then create a Sitemesh decorator containing common layout/look and feel that all the pages should have. Create a main.jsp file under WEB-INF/decorator folder with the following contents:

    <title><sitemesh:write property='title'/></title>
    <sitemesh:write property='head'/>
    <div style="color: red">
    	<sitemesh:write property='body'/>

4. The next step is to let Sitemesh know about this decorator. This is done via sitemesh.xml file located under WEB-INF folder.

	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 		<mapping path="/*" decorator="/WEB-INF/decorator/main.jsp"/>

In the above configuration file, the mapping element tells Sitemesh to apply main.jsp decorator to all the pages. Other configuration options provided by Sitemesh 3 are listed here.

5. The final step in the integration is to add Sitemesh filter to web.xml.



When you run the application you should see the red font color applied due to main.jsp decorator:

Sitemesh App

Categories: SiteMesh, Spring Tags: ,